Terms of Service

Welcome to Qoost! We are delighted to have you join our educational platform, designed to empower users like you to create, share, and use a wide range of educational content. Our Platform offers an engaging and dynamic environment where you can explore quizzes, questionnaires, flashcards, and much more. We also support various formats, including text, voice recordings, pictures, educational documents, and video resources, to help you learn and teach in the most effective way.

At Qoost, we believe that learning should be accessible, interactive, and enjoyable. That’s why we invite you to become an active part of our growing community. Whether you’re a student seeking to expand your knowledge, a teacher looking to share your expertise, or someone interested in lifelong learning, Qoost invites you to learn, teach, and grow together.

By using our Platform, you’re not only gaining access to a wealth of educational resources but also contributing to a vibrant community that values knowledge sharing, creativity, and collaboration. We encourage you to create and share your unique content, exchange ideas, and learn from others. Together, we can create a better and more connected learning experience.

Terms of Service


Please review these Terms of Service carefully as they govern your access to and use of our Platform. These Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern your use of the Qoost mobile application and platform (“Platform”) provided by „Relax projektai“ JSC, Registration No.: 300992570, located at Paltiskiu g. 9, 47270 Kaunas, Lithuania (“we,” “us,” or “our”). By creating an account, accessing, or using our Platform, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not access or use the Platform.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Qoost is a social educational platform that provides the opportunity to create and share educational content (hereinafter referred to as Content) with other users of the platform in order to organize the learning process more efficiently.

1.2. All copyrights to the Qoost program, its software code, functionalities, database, application design, content management system, and the websites www.qoost.net and www.qoost.lt belong to UAB ``Relax projektai``, with the company code 300992570, located at Paltiškių g. 9, 47270 Kaunas, phone number +370 667 77790, email info@qoost.net, which is the developer of the Qoost application (hereinafter referred to as Qoost or Application Manager).

1.3. Users of the application may use it under the specified conditions and order, without violating the rights of the legitimate Application Manager, the rights of copyright and related rights holders to works and objects of related rights, which constitute the content of the Application's database.

1.4. The trademarks, logos, and other elements related to goods and services found in Qoost belong to the legitimate owners of these trademarks and service marks.

1.5. This document (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), upon being acknowledged by the User (after reviewing the Rules and checking the box next to the statement ``I have read and agree with the Qoost terms and conditions``), is considered an agreement between Qoost and the User, and governs the mutual rights, obligations, and responsibilities of Qoost and the User applicable to the use of the Application.

1.6. The provisions and conditions contained in the Rules may be changed at any time without any additional notice. The date of the latest revision of the Rules is indicated at the end of these Rules. The Rules are published on the Qoost website and in the Application.

1.7. Concepts used in these Rules:

1.7.1. Qoost – a social educational platform (hereinafter also referred to as the Application);

1.7.2. User – any natural or legal person who uses Qoost;

1.7.3. Content – informational material of any format created by the User, which the User can share within the Application space with other Users.

1.7.4. Services – all functions and services of the Application that the User can use for free or for which the use of paid Membership and Qredits plans is necessary;

1.7.5. Membership – the usage plans offered by Qoost, which, upon purchase, grant the User the right to use additional functions of the Application;

1.7.6. Qredits – the credits provided within the Application, which, upon purchase, allow the User to utilize artificial intelligence and other resources;

1.7.7. Personal data – any information about the User or their representative (a natural person) whose identity is established or can be established;

1.7.8. Data processing – any operation or sequence of operations performed on personal data or sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;

1.7.9. Regulation – The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

1.8. Throughout the text, the word ``We``, including its forms in other cases, refers to Qoost, which is the Application Manager, while the word ``You``, including its forms in other cases, refers to the User.

2. Account Registration and Use

2.1. Users who wish to use the Qoost Application and its provided services must create an account. In doing so, they confirm that they are older than 14 years of age. Users under the age of 14 confirm that they have obtained consent from their legal representative (parent, stepparent, guardian, or caretaker).

2.2. Every individual using Qoost is considered a User if:

2.2.1. they have an account;

2.2.2. they use the Application;

2.2.3. they possess the capacity and rights that allow them to conduct transactions and actions within the Application;

2.2.4. they agree with these Rules.

2.3. To create an account and ensure its security, the User must provide their email address, date of birth, first name, last name, and choose a unique username and password.

2.4. Qoost considers the User to be the person who logs into their account. If there are suspicions that the information provided by the User is incomplete or incorrect, Qoost may at any time request the User to provide additional information via email or through the Application's contact center. If the User does not cooperate, Qoost may at any time, without separate notice, temporarily or permanently block the User's account.

2.5. During the account registration process and at any time during the use of the Application, Qoost may ask the User to:

2.5.1. confirm the information in the account (e.g., email address or payment method);

2.5.2. provide additional important information;

2.5.3. correct any incorrect or incomplete information in the account;

2.5.4. answer security questions.

2.6. The User may have only one unblocked account. If the User's account was blocked due to unauthorized and illegal takeover by another person, the User may create a new account.

2.7. By creating or publishing any Content in the Application, the person uploading it declares and guarantees that all copyright and related rights to the published Content belong to the person publishing it and that there are no legitimate third-party claims to the published information or its parts.

3. User Rights and Obligations

3.1. Qoost aims to create a safe and reliable environment for all Application Users, but warns that the actions or behavior of specific Users may hinder achieving this goal. To ensure a safe and reliable environment, by using the Application and Services, the User agrees to adhere to the following obligations:

3.1.1. use Qoost in the manner established by these Rules;

3.1.2. provide accurate, precise, and up-to-date information about themselves and immediately update their account if information changes (e.g., email address);

3.1.3. safeguard their account login details and not disclose them to anyone, and inform Us if they believe someone has illegally taken over or attempted to take over their account;

3.1.4. Create and distribute Content in the Application only if they are certain that they hold all the rights and permissions to publish and distribute the information, photos, audio or video recordings, and other data constituting the Content;

3.1.5. Pay for the selected Membership or Qredits in accordance with the order set out in these Rules;

3.1.6. Not engage in illegal, unethical, actions contrary to public safety, or actions that infringe on Our rights or the rights of others (e.g., privacy, confidential information, or intellectual property);

3.1.7. Not attempt to access another User's account, take over or appropriate another User's personal data or Content;

3.1.8. Not use any external software tool that could disrupt the operation of Qoost or the Services, or infect or damage any other User's equipment;

3.1.9. Not attempt to adapt, copy, edit, distribute, or commercialize any Qoost content without Our prior written consent;

3.1.10. Not publish content that glorifies, promotes, encourages, or incites terrorism, racism, revisionism, xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, hate speech, discrimination, human trafficking, organized crime, illegal organizations, self-harm, suicide, torture, cruel treatment of animals, justification of war crimes, sexual exploitation of children and/or adults, cults, or any other illegal content;

3.1.11. Not attempt to collect, store, or disclose unlawfully obtained information related to other Users, their content or actions in the Application, or any information presented in the Application if it could affect the rights of other Users;

3.1.12. When creating content, the content of another document and/or ideas can be described in one's own words, interpreted, quoted. When using information from the reviewed document, all citation requirements must be observed;

3.1.13. Immediately inform about any noticed inappropriate content, Application breaches, or other important information;

3.1.14. Abide by these Rules and not violate the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

4. Our Rights and Obligations

4.1. Qoost has the right to:

4.1.1. At any time, check and evaluate whether the Content created by the User complies with these Rules and does not violate the laws in force in the Republic of Lithuania or the rights of third parties.

4.1.2. Without prior notice to the User, temporarily or permanently remove the Content created by them if it is decided that the posted content or means of expression violates or may violate the laws in force in the Republic of Lithuania, is unrelated to the purposes and content of the Application, does not meet the standards of good morals, and may violate the rights of third parties;

4.1.3. Without prior notice to the User, cancel their order if the User fails to pay for the selected Membership or Credits;

4.1.4. Without prior notice, limit or suspend the User's ability to use Qoost or delete the User's account if the User attempts to harm the stability and security of Qoost's operations or violates their obligations, or deliberately obstructs other Users from using the Application.

4.1.5. Under significant circumstances, Qoost may temporarily or permanently cease the operation of Qoost, without prior notice to the User.

4.2. Qoost commits to:

4.2.1. Respect the User's privacy and process their personal data strictly in accordance with the Regulation, the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania, and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania regulating the processing and protection of personal data;

4.2.2. Register and respond to all received notifications, requests, and/or incidents related to data discrepancies in the Application.

5. User Liability

5.1. By using the Application and its Services, the User is responsible for:

5.1.1. The Content they create and publish, and any actions performed in the Application using their Account;

5.1.2. Any disputes arising from the User's actions.

5.2. The User uses the material in the Application exclusively at their discretion, assuming all risk associated with its use or application, and is responsible for any damage to their health, property, technical equipment, third parties' rights, and bears all related expenses.

5.3. If it turns out that other individuals claim copyright or related rights to Content within Qoost, at their request, Qoost has the right to remove said Content. Qoost disclaims any further participation in resolving the disputed issue. For compensation of material or immaterial damage suffered, individuals whose rights were violated are directed to the person who sent the material or information, claiming to be the legitimate owner of copyright or related rights.

5.4. The personal data of the User who creates and/or publishes Information/Content may be transferred to the individual claiming to be the author of the uploaded document.

6. Our Liability

6.1. Qoost will make every effort to ensure smooth and uninterrupted operation of the Application, but warns that disruptions due to development work on the Application or unforeseen events are possible.

6.2. Qoost is not liable for any malfunctioning of the Application and/or non-provision or improper provision of Services and/or any damage caused to the User, if it occurred due to the fault of the User or third parties or due to circumstances beyond Qoost's control and which Qoost could not reasonably foresee or prevent.

6.3. Qoost is exempt from any liability in cases where the User incurs losses because the User did not actually familiarize themselves with these Rules and/or other information provided in the Application.

6.4. Qoost's administration is not responsible and cannot be held liable for:

6.4.1. Users' failure to fulfill obligations to other Users;

6.4.2. The accuracy and completeness of data provided by Users;

6.4.3. The compliance of Users’ created and published Content with legal regulations;

6.4.4. Actions and/or inactions of third parties that cause disruption to the use of the Application and/or Qoost Services, resulting in losses for Users;

6.4.5. The accuracy of the hosted information content, the authenticity, quality of the material, and for statements and guarantees regarding copyrights and related rights that may not correspond to reality;

6.4.6. Illegal behavior and/or violations of the Rules by other Users, non-fulfillment of obligations;

6.4.7. Users' losses, if they arose due to force majeure circumstances, including disruptions in communication transmission, electronic data exchange, and payment systems;

6.4.8. Users' losses, if they arose due to changes in legal requirements;

6.4.9. Termination of the Application's operation for any reasons.

6.5. Qoost does not provide any guarantees to Users, including but not limited to, the timeliness, quality, suitability, security, reliability, and that the Services will be error-free. Users, by agreeing (confirming) to these Rules, understand and agree that they assume all risks associated with the Services voluntarily, to the maximum extent permitted by law.

6.6. Qoost is not responsible for losses, including but not limited to legal fees, lost profits, lost data, personal injury, or property damage, related to or arising from any use of the Services or their provision, from any relationships between Users, nor is it responsible for delays, performance errors, and other disruptions.

6.7. Information and data about Users in the Application are provided by the Users themselves, therefore Qoost is not responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of Users and this information, nor is it liable to Users for any losses or damage that was or could have been caused by any actions, decisions, or transactions made using the information provided in this Application.

7. Qoost Services

7.1. All Services offered in the Application are accessible to the User.

7.2. Users can use the Application's features that are not included in Memberships or do not require Qredits for free.

7.3. To use paid Application features or Services, the User can purchase them within the Application environment. By selecting the desired plan, the User initiates the purchase process by clicking the ``Buy`` button. Upon doing so, the User will be redirected to the payment service provider's page, where the payment will be made.

7.4. The moment of service acquisition is considered to be the moment when the money for the purchased plan is credited to the Qoost account;

7.5. Membership or Credits are activated immediately after Qoost receives data about the payment made.

7.6. By confirming the Rules, the User agrees that the documents for the purchase of Membership and/or Credits – the VAT invoice – would be provided to him only in electronic form in the Application environment.

7.7. If it turns out that the User did not pay the due amounts, the order is considered to be canceled.

7.8. Using Membership for commercial purposes is prohibited.

7.9. Qoost reserves the right to terminate the validity and sale of Memberships or Qredits at any time.

7.10. Based on suitability requirements set by Qoost, we may inform some or all Users about special offers, contests, games, or other promotions. During promotions, certain Application features or properties may be temporarily changed or unavailable.

8. Personal Data Protection

8.1. The controller of your personal data processed in the Application is UAB ``Relax projektai``, company code 300992570, address Paltiškių g. 9, 47270 Kaunas, phone No. +370 667 77790, email info@qoost.net.

8.2. We process your personal data in accordance with the Regulation, the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania, and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania regulating the processing and protection of personal data.

8.3. We receive your personal data directly from you when you create an account.

8.4. You are strictly prohibited from assuming the identity of other persons by indicating someone else's name, surname, and other personal data. If you ignore these requirements, We have the right to immediately and without prior notice prohibit you from using the Application. In case of suspicion that by such actions you have caused or could have caused Us and/or other Users and/or the public interest harm, We have the right to transfer all your personal data to the competent authorities.

8.5. We process your personal data for the following purposes:

8.5.1. Successful creation and use of your account;

8.5.2. Proper payment for Services;

8.5.3. Providing responses to your inquiries;

8.5.4. Presentation of news, special offers, contests, games, or other promotions (for the purpose of direct marketing execution).

8.6. We process your personal data on the following bases:

8.6.1. On the basis of contract performance (Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation);

8.6.2. On the basis of the pursuit of our legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation).

8.7. Processing of Personal Data for the Purpose of Account Creation and Use of the Application:

8.7.1. We collect your personal data when you create an account and use the Application. To create an account, you must provide us with your name, surname, a unique username, date of birth, email address, and a unique password;

8.7.2. You can at any time modify, supplement your personal data provided in your account or delete your account;

8.7.3. We will process your provided personal data as long as your account is active, or until you delete your account. Upon deletion of your account, your provided personal data will be automatically removed from the Application’s database;

8.7.4. We process these personal data you provided based on our legitimate interests, i.e., ensuring your smooth and efficient use of the Application, experiencing all the advantages of the Application, testing the capabilities of the Application.

8.8. Processing of Personal Data for the Purpose of Payment for Services:

8.8.1. We process your provided personal data as necessary to successfully complete the order and provide you with the opportunity to use additional features and functions of the Application;

8.8.2. We process these personal data of yours on the basis of the contract concluded with you.

8.9. Processing of Personal Data for the Purpose of Providing Responses to Your Inquiries:

8.9.1. To submit an inquiry on issues of interest to you, you must provide us with your name, surname, and email address;

8.9.2. We process these personal data of yours based on our legitimate interests, i.e., aiming to respond as quickly and efficiently as possible to all your questions;

8.9.3. We process these personal data of yours no longer than necessary to provide a response to the inquiry.

8.10. Processing of Personal Data for the Purpose of Sending Newsletters (Direct Marketing Execution):

8.10.1. If you wish to learn about news, special offers, contests, games, or other promotions, you can subscribe to our newsletters;

8.10.2. To subscribe to our newsletters in your account, you must indicate that you agree to receive newsletters at your provided email address;

8.10.3. We send you newsletters based on your consent. You can unsubscribe from our newsletters at any time by clicking the designated link at the bottom of the newsletters we send;

8.10.4. Your personal data for direct marketing will be processed until you withdraw your consent or unsubscribe from the newsletters.

8.11. We do not transfer your personal data to any recipients except in cases where we have a legal obligation to do so according to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, or in order to fulfill contractual obligations. We do not transfer your personal data to third countries or international organizations, i.e., outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, except in cases required by law or courts, or when necessary for the implementation of one of the purposes specified in these Rules.

8.12. By providing us with your personal data, you acquire the following rights:

8.12.1. To access the personal data we process about you, request their correction, supplementation, or updating, deletion, or restriction of their processing;

8.12.2. To receive the personal data related to you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and to transmit those data to another data controller (the right to data portability);

8.12.3. To withdraw your consent at any time if you had given one;

8.12.4. To object to the processing of your personal data;

8.12.5. To lodge a complaint with the State Data Protection Inspectorate (at L. Sapiegos g. 17, Vilnius, or via email ada@ada.lt) if you believe that our processing of your personal data does not comply with the Regulation, the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data, or other laws and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania regulating personal data processing, or otherwise infringes upon your rights and freedoms.

8.13. To exercise the rights mentioned above, please contact us in writing by email at support@qoost.net. We aim to respond to your letters as quickly as possible, but no later than within 1 month from the date of receipt. To properly examine requests, we may ask you to provide additional information and documents verifying your identity.

9. Final Provisions

9.1. All disputes, disagreements, or claims arising from or related to the cooperation between Qoost and the User, which cannot be resolved through negotiations between Qoost and the User within 14 days from the date of the claim, shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

9.2. These Rules are prepared in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

9.3. The Rules come into effect from March 15, 2024.
